Bright: Open GRB Catalogue
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Stellar Population Modeling

We use the stellar population modeling code Prospector to get the stellar population properties (like mass, age, metallicity, SFR, and dust attenuation) for each short GRB host. We note that we only do Prospector fits with for the hosts with more than three bands of photometry and a probability of chance coincidence upper limit of ~0.2, or very confident host associations. We use a delayed-tau star formation history (SFH) and a Chabrier initial mass function (IMF) and include a nebular emission model for all Prospector fits. Please see more details on the host selection critiria and Prospector fitting details in Fong et al. 2022 (selection criteria) and Nugent et al. 2022 (stellar population modeling details).

At this GitHub link, we have a downloadable Python-based Jupyter Notebook tutorial for how to get the stellar population properties and model spectral energy distribution from the Prospector-output h5 file (downloadble on the individual and main pages). Please see the Prospector documentation for more information on the code.